Month: July 2018

Plan the Perfect Memphis Bachelorette Party

Is your apartment covered in pink glitter and feather boas? Do you commonly find yourself designing clever t-shirts with “Mer-maid of Honor” or “Bride Or Die” written in sparkly cursive across the chest? Perhaps your Amazon Prime account is chock-full of *questionably* shaped straws, gummies and pool floaties? Then you just may be planning a Memphis bachelorette party. Looking for a way to give the bride the best night of her life while still being able to relax and enjoy the night yourself? Don’t worry, you can have your penis gummies and eat them too with all the awesome Memphis activities at your disposal. If you’re looking for fun things to do in Memphis, you’ve come to the right place – we’ve made “fun things to do in Memphis” our career. Check out these awesome bachelorette party Memphis attractions that will surely be the highlight of the year (besides the actual wedding).